Wednesday 17 May 2017


I just saw that Horizon program #strangesignals
Again, as many times before I am very amused by the way humans look for 'life in the Universe'. They use all the tools in their power and those tools, no denying, are very powerful, but from the beginning of times they seem to overlook the One and Only tool that matters here to connect to anything at all: your brain. Or should I say your mind?
They use everything but the One thing that could really help: The brain. But of course not the brain we use in our daily life, for the thousand menial functions it does. No I'm talking about let's say, the deep brain, with its thousands unknown and undiscovered possibilities. If some miraculous 'god' has created Life and then its crowning glory the Brain, who secretes Intelligence, isn't it there the clue, right at the source, that Humans should have looked from the start? A radiating intelligence that have untouched potential because, as they say, ours is a  'technological' civilisation and  everything has been used as a tool. Blinded by the ingeniosity of our magnificent tools we've simply overlooked the gift of consciousness right from the beginning. And I for one, believe that if we ever make 'contact' whatever that contact might be with another Intelligence, it might not be through tools however sophisticated they seem to us (but really paltry in the scale of things we're dealing with) but through the only truly sophisticated tool we possess: our brain. Because it is not just a tool. It is the answer too.
So for now, let's humanity struggle with painstakingly handling the wrong side of the binoculars. Like pitiful 2D creatures trying to figure out where they are but cannot because the extra dimension they need is simply beyond their grasp.
Perhaps one day, in a different civilisation, less technological, more human, more wholesome, more sensible, a bright spark might suggest using the only thing we have at our disposal that could work: Consciousness. Mind, Spirit. Brainwave...whatever it is called...

Friday 29 April 2016

The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke roams in my brain, enchanted, delighted by his realm. The music pours from the sky, unlimited, dramatic, overpowering. Death has lost its bite and Infinity reigns for the Duke. His forests and rivers, his woods and manors, under the foliage stand still, beyond time's reach. And within the realm, love, love, love of the greatest kind, the purest love conceived in the Universe: my love for you.
Is it another planet? a parallel universe? is it real, unreal? Questions die on the threshold and beauty rises under my feet. Animals abound and trees, trees everywhere...The flow of nature bounds with our soul and body, we fly, we stream, we dream, we love caress and kiss and the wind pervades our limbs, do we exist, love burns and consumes and screams. There are no limits but joy and ecstasy.
The Duke knows the dance so well, the dance of old times, the dance of the beginnings, when the Earth was empty. Empty and intact. The dance of the planets around, of the stars below and above. The dance of my loneliness, waiting, waiting for you. Only the rain can bring you round, only the rain. And it never rains.
Sometimes, the Duke loses his realm and he cries, alone in a deep, deep coffin of abandon. How do you find the realm again? Life is an exile. Life is a lost path in the night, a long sentence for uncommitted crimes. My brain explodes in agony of wait. The Earth is a prison and a cruel mirror. Everything is here yet untouchable, unreachable. Life is longing and hoping.
But sometimes too, the Duke arises and welcomes the return of the realm. And the realm is Beauty. Who does not believe in Beauty is a damned soul. There is no god but Beauty. The blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, the dumb do not understand. Beauty is a secret, a key, a password. Beatrice. From the early days to now to ever. Showing the way. For Dante yes, and for me. I never betrayed. Beauty is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. And perhaps the most rarefied of all truths. The world was created for us to see and love and be in awe. How far removed we have become, no need to say.
And today again the Duke errs in the kingdom. He might be the last soul remaining but he has a long life, an eternity to offer. Long live the Duke.

Monday 7 December 2015

Cut off

My brain is fading. I feel it. It is being attacked on a daily basis minute by minute. Living in London means living outside oneself.  The request of the outside world  is constant and intense. It kills all brain power. I can never follow through a thought. I can never keep a mood or even find a mood. You are always required to act and react. And your soul fades away. My connection with beyond has nearly gone. The walls of communication have thicken so that I cannot hear what is beyond. The Earth has also sealed itself on itself. All satellites looking in on the planet. The Earth is locked in a permanent, toxic selfie. The blanket noise prevents reception from outer space. I need to retreat deep and far, but feel unable. Is that why on a larger level everything seems to go badly wrong? We are cut off from any deep cosmic radiation? Am I talking rubbish? Why does it feel that way though?...The planet is not locked in a room. It evolves in space and space should be open. But we managed to layered it with junk, debris and satellites and stuff. If you block your windows with junk, the light does not shine through. It could be what is happening to us and why everything is so bathed in gloom nowadays.

Monday 2 November 2015

Patti Smith: Horses.

I saw Patti Smith in concerts about 4, 5 times before, but last Friday at The Roundhouse was an unique, special experience. Perhaps it is because she replayed the whole Horses album and that this album means so much to me? Horses, along with Ziggy Stardust and Lou Reed's Berlin, was the very music of my teenage years. Symbol of my despair, rage and powerlessness. Before Horses, I was a child. After, I became a teenager. It broke the safe bubble of my childhood. I awoke to the real world, funny enough, through the torn and ethereal rifts of Horses. So, this is a music I can never listen to objectively. It is loaded with emotions, from despair to exhilaration. It is the very music of my deep past and eternal youth.
So it was quite something seeing Patti Smith singing again as she sang in Paris, in 76 or 79?  I don't remember, I was just about 15 and in awe of her. What I mostly remember from that long past concert is how chaotic it all was. Utter chaos in the audience, we were standing close to the stage but in a perpetual motion from the sheer pressure of the crowd and on stage, it seems it was just as shambolic. The music was screechy and inaudible really, from the sheer loudness. I only remember chaos all over. After, I waited a very long time hoping to see her at the exit door but the wait was too long and I gave-up after about 45 mn. Would my life have been any different if I'd met her then in person? At the time, we were only 2, 3 people waiting outside, it would have been possible to make a connection. But, as most things in my life, because of my idiocy or lack of perseverance, it didn't happen.
But we met again, perhaps 15 years ago, before a concert at Sheperd's Bush. It was a friendly, brief encounter, with a few other fangirls around and she was happy to sign her book 'Early Works' with a large 'Power to the people', and chat. Though, by then, life had dulled me and I had nothing special anymore to share with her.
At the Roundhouse, again, I bumped into her alone in her lodge, before the concert, by chance. She was on the phone and hastily agreed to sign my copy of her last book the MTrain, but waved me off after to carry on her phone call. I heard saying 'sorry, there was 'someone' ..' So someone disappeared and greatly enjoyed her amazing performance on stage. She has something of the shaman and can raise an audience to a near-sacred level when everyone feels something 'is happening' She has this powerful, wonderful, amazingly positive energy that can send everyone spiralling into happiness. She must have such deep wonder and respect for Life that she is able to pass on a similar near-sacred emotion to people in the audience. Someone said the concert was 'biblical' Yes there is, (bizarrely because it is all far away from 'religion!) but there is a sense of a biblical, sacred moment going on. She has that force, that aura, that voice.
It was odd to make the link with my old self of 15 yrs old, to know I still was that very person today and for ever. It was a deep and moving experience as if Time, roughless Time, for once had been conquered and the dots joined, no more distance nor separation, it was all there, in a nugget, in fabulous Horses galoping wild for Eternity.

Thank You, Patti Smith, for that.

Friday 29 May 2015

The Clowns

The biggest joke of the Universe on the human race is to make them believe that their time and space are set in stone, invariable and eternal. Hence letting them invent gods and religions with unshakable creeds and devotions. What a farce for imbeciles.  Religious cunts need a bit of space-travel to get Relativity into their little brain cells. We are nothing but  tiny thinking piece of flesh thrown away on a dancing planet, turning round in circles around a deadly fire, the sun, that most idiots here, of course, worship as the source of life, when there is no other source of life than Water.
What a sad lot, what clowns, these 'humans' some zombies, some robots, most dumber than animals, most more pathetic than the dust under their feet. But what devastation they've unleashed on the most beautiful world created. What hate and brutality.
It is difficult to feel of the same race and from my earlier years, I have felt no affinities, no understanding. Usually we call  people unsympathetic to the human race 'psychopath' but in my case I believe the opposite. That I am born within a race of psychopaths, with only a few, too rare exceptions, and that the big majority is totally lacking in empathy and sensibility. Ego, vanity, vainness, perversion, cruelty, manipulation, bare pride, stupid pride, yes all that abounds around. But fineness, perception, sensitivity, receptivity, originality, kindness, beauty, strikingly lack. Thanks god for artists, poets, musicians, writers, creators. Otherwise what kind of lowly order of hell would this be?
It is more and more painful and depressing, I am convinced, for sensitive souls to exist nowadays. The horizon has considerably darken, the future pregnant with death and disorder. We loathe and despise each other more and more because our collective spirit is dying and the bare bones of horror start to show.
Gurdjieff was right. Someone at some point played a terrifying joke on humans, implanting them with a 'kundabuffer': an implement that make them see and experience everything upside down. Yes indeed. And unless you are granted the privilege, or strive for truth in some way, to undo it, nothing can be done: you are and will remain an idiot, a clown taking shadows for reality...

Friday 3 October 2014

Neanderthals uber alles.

Passer sur le monde avec la grace d'un vol d'oiseau, leger, subtil, gracieux, ephemere.
Le monde se meurt doucement et les idiots s'amusent, les cons se rejouissent et se multiplient.
Le monde se meurt doucement, lamente-le, il ne reviendra pas.
Ses fleuves, ses rivieres et sources secretes, se tarissent et ne recouleront pas.
Ses bĂȘtes, belles, fieres et tendres, torturees, chassees, devorees, cricifixiees, elles ne revivront pas.
Les pas de l'enfant, trop tot celui d'un tyrant, etouffe la terre sous sa botte de con.
Les derniers penseurs sont deja morts. Ils ne reviendront pas.
Une race pas meme nee, a ete avortee.
Et maintenent,
Neanderthals uber alles.

Saturday 16 August 2014


After about five days of solitude at home, my mind is so quiet, so peaceful that I feel I hardly exist anymore. Or rather the smoothness of existing tends towards disappearance. Perhaps this is exactly why human beings love so much conflicts, problems and adversity. They take the agitation, the intensity for a proof of existence. And may be it is. I love, have always loved, the lightness of being, so yes, perhaps there isn't much 'life' to be found in something light, something hardly here at all. Does a stone exist more than a feather? Or is movement more alive than stillness? all debatable. And not important. The problems of the world are not light nor on the move. There are made of hate and blood, here to stay. And that, is irremediable. Funny enough there is the French word 'diable' (devil) in 'irremediable. The devil resides indeed in what cannot be solved. Like the thirst for blood and conflicts in the human heart.
What we need is a threat from space, from aliens yes, to understand that here on Earth, there is only one life, one planet. Or are the aliens already here and we just don't know it? Are they the source of all this madness, the  lust for killing and all the rest? Would they be wishing us the worse from time immemorial and somehow, driving us blindly right there? I might have read one or two conspiracies too many but when you consider the extant of belief in 'God', a bearded spaceman overhanging in heaven, there is little to discourage us contemplating an alternate version as a possible explanation for all our ills.... Keeping an opening mind to all and everything...