Wednesday, 17 May 2017


I just saw that Horizon program #strangesignals
Again, as many times before I am very amused by the way humans look for 'life in the Universe'. They use all the tools in their power and those tools, no denying, are very powerful, but from the beginning of times they seem to overlook the One and Only tool that matters here to connect to anything at all: your brain. Or should I say your mind?
They use everything but the One thing that could really help: The brain. But of course not the brain we use in our daily life, for the thousand menial functions it does. No I'm talking about let's say, the deep brain, with its thousands unknown and undiscovered possibilities. If some miraculous 'god' has created Life and then its crowning glory the Brain, who secretes Intelligence, isn't it there the clue, right at the source, that Humans should have looked from the start? A radiating intelligence that have untouched potential because, as they say, ours is a  'technological' civilisation and  everything has been used as a tool. Blinded by the ingeniosity of our magnificent tools we've simply overlooked the gift of consciousness right from the beginning. And I for one, believe that if we ever make 'contact' whatever that contact might be with another Intelligence, it might not be through tools however sophisticated they seem to us (but really paltry in the scale of things we're dealing with) but through the only truly sophisticated tool we possess: our brain. Because it is not just a tool. It is the answer too.
So for now, let's humanity struggle with painstakingly handling the wrong side of the binoculars. Like pitiful 2D creatures trying to figure out where they are but cannot because the extra dimension they need is simply beyond their grasp.
Perhaps one day, in a different civilisation, less technological, more human, more wholesome, more sensible, a bright spark might suggest using the only thing we have at our disposal that could work: Consciousness. Mind, Spirit. Brainwave...whatever it is called...

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