Fate is a gruesome beast that we cannot begin to understand. It feeds on our tears, on our despair and spite-out innomable horrors, that we then have to face. Sometimes we are led to believe that Fate is kind to us and indulges us with treasures and happiness. Beware. It is only a mask for more torments to come. Nobody escapes the icy grip of Fate. And I feel it creeping closer. We do not grasp any of its workings and mechanism. How could we ? The flea on the elephant's back will never know the whole story. Neither will we. Hence the need of so many for 'religion' 'religiere', etre relie a quelque chose, being bound to something in fear of otherwise falling into a bottomless void. religion is the easy rope of reassurance. Interesting up to a point but definitely not an explanation for the non-religiously inclined. So. What else than a terrible sense of helplessness and bewilderment in face of Fate when it comes raging into your quiet existence ?
If you still have time before it happens, sharpen the diamond of your mind, brighten its multi-faceted awareness, thank life for being here, with no other demand and desire than to exist and to breathe and to smile. The stars are constantly raining on us. Yet we remain impermeable to them. The Universe calls on us and we are not hearing.
Not God, not religion. But gratitude. A duty to happiness. And kindness. And a thirst for beauty. Always and everywhere.